Birthday Musings

Jack and Sam

My two nephews are having birthdays March 11 and March 12.  This pic was taken last summer at Kate’s birthday party.  They are gifts to me, given to me by God, right when I needed them:  Jack first, and Sam next.  And they continue to bring me joy and fill my heart with overflowing love.  My thoughts on their births and subsequent celebrations gave rise to thoughts on birthday wisdom I have acquired over the years.

woe is me!


Don’t worry about getting older.  It’s just a number.   Huff and puff until you blow all your candles out.  Don’t forget to make a wish.  Call in reserves if necessary.

It’s your day to celebrate!  So do it however you want to.

Be creative! make it your way

celebrate overcoming fear

Don’t be afraid to do the things that are exciting.  Hang in there until you muster up the courage to finally pull the string and pop the confetti.

Dress up!
Get on your par-tay clothes and paint the town pink with friends!

girls love make-up


Get out the paint and the spray and the polish and doody up!  Put on your dancing shoes and dance the night away.

stud muffin Sam

Let that special somebody make a fuss over you.  There’s nothing like celebrating with someone you love.  Or celebrating with someones you love.  Just celebrate!

don't hold back

Tell everyone what you want to do, where you want to go, and what you want for a gift.  Let them know in no uncertain terms.

sweet slumber

And after it’s all over, enjoy a nice, long nap.

Gigi’s House of Good Stuff (and lots of it)

Last week I kept the grandgirls, and we did all of our favorite things.  Kate is four and Ava is on the cusp of two, in April.  One night we painted fingernails and toenails.  It is just too cute on those little fingers and toes.  Kate already had the dialogue for the envisioned scenario between her and Logan about her nails at Pre-K the next day.  He says, “Kate, what is that on your fingernails?”  Kate:  “Fingernail polish.  Gigi painted them at her house last night.”

pink nail polish

It’s pink… of course.

Some of the best times of my childhood were playing house and dress-up and dolls.  So I save scarves and gloves and shoes and purses and jewelry (use the word loosely)  for just such an opportunity.  And over the years, with all my wee friends, (and not so wee come to think of it) those gloves and hats, etc., have brought lots of laughter and fun times.

Kate and her children

Ava in purple hat

Since I now wear reading glasses, the little ones love to get them and put them on.  I’m always amused at how they look all around with those glasses on their faces.  It has to be blurry.  Ava is no exception; she adores wearing them.  She loves to sit on the couch, get a blanket all situated around her nice and cozy, and look at her book.  Oh yeah, she loves Boo, her blue bear, and his little arms, more than anything.

Kate in red hat

Ava “reading”

There is a menagerie of stuffed animals and various dolls at the house.  They are called into service to be the children and pets to a Mommy, sick and in need of medical care at the vet’s, or needing saved by a superhero, just to name a few of the play ideas I’ve been privy to over the years.

two tents are way more fun

One tent just won’t do anymore.  We must now have two, and Kate and Ava visit back and forth.  I’m always amazed at how much “stuff” Kate can get in her little make-shift tent.

Gigi and yawning Ava

Reminds me of her Gigi.