What’s On Your Car?

This past week I was having a conversation with my fellow court personnel.  We were discussing the phone our court security officer had left on the top of his car as he had driven for quite awhile around town.  When he stopped and got out, he noticed it.  Still right where he had left it; right above the door.  He is convinced it was the Otterbox cover that kept it from slipping off.

it has a gripper back!

So that got us to remembering all the things we had either seen on vehicles driving down the road or that we had personally placed on our own vehicles before we drove on down the road.

all by its lonesome

The clerk said she had put a banana on her car top and that she was sure there were quite a few people wondering what kind of statement she was making… or that she had, in fact, finally gone bananas.

There were, of course, the “normal” car toppers:  coffee holders, various drinks, food items,  sacks of stuff (from trash to good), purses, kids’ shoes.  I perused the internet a little this evening trying to find some interesting stories.  The only one I could find was a cop having sex on the car.  No one would admit to such a thing in our conversation the other day… but I have my suspicions.

That discussion proceeded to things people find along the roadways.  One person has found over 500 tools that he found on the highways!!  He said once you spot one, it’s easy to start seeing them.  Sort of like mushroom hunting, maybe?  Morel hunting is always a springtime activity around this area with no one giving up the “secret” hunting spot.  I haven’t done any morel hunting in awhile; think I will start highway hunting instead.

So… what’s on your car?


My Little Puzzle Person

Ava, working on her jungle puzzle

My little Ava is a puzzle person.  She loves putting them together… taking them apart… putting them together… well, you get the picture.  This is one of her favorites, but she has several.

She concentrates; looks at the piece; and then finds where it goes. I love to watch her.

In the midst of anxiety or worry or heartache or illness, nothing can cheer the heart like a  little girl working on her puzzle.  She had already colored her feet with markers, so it was time for the next activity.

Just right!

Oh, that I could be so diligent!

Chalk Art and Fun

The beginning of the chalk masterpiece

We have had some of the most beautiful weather here in the Midwest.  So the girls and I went outside to celebrate.

All one needs for a Spring Celebration is a collection of big, fat chalk in several colors.

Enjoy the fun, folks!

I can't believe Kate can spell. She was just born yesterday... or so it seems.

counting as she goes.

Her little pigtails are flying as she bounces from drawing to numbers.

My little artiste finishing her Gigi chalk art.

The focused look of an artist at work

Saved for posterity... before the rain washes it into oblivion. Gigi, the old hippie flower child. How did she know?

A sunshine rainbow day!!!!