Sweet Sam

Well, it’s not tomorrow, if you read my last post.  But it is Sam’s day to shine.  And he does love to shine.

Sam summer 2009

This pic was a couple of years ago, but it portrays his sweet little smile that he still has today.  Although, this picture does show his mouth closed which never happens.  He talks nonstop.

On our way home from K.C., as he sat way back in the far back seat, he asked his Mawmaw, who had driven the whole trip, why she had to do all the driving and Gigi was just sitting there.  See how thoughtful he is?  Then he proceeded to tell us how unfair that was and all Gigi was doing was just lying around.  I had to save my reputation and explain that I had to take care of little Ava so I really couldn’t drive.  I don’t think he bought it.

Sam is a special gift to me from God as well.  If you read my last post, you saw that 2001 was a bad year, but in 2002 God gave me little Jack.  Then the next year, in 2003, we were all busy getting ready for Jack’s first birthday which kept me from dwelling on the anniversary of my husband’s death, as well as all the other things that were occurring within my family.  Then in the latter part of 2003, Julie (bless her heart) was pregnant again.  Another baby due the last of April!  Yippee.  Another surprise since they chose to let the sex be kept a secret from them once again.

And once again, in March of 2004, five weeks early, Julie had to go into delivery with Sam.  Another wonderful distraction from sad memories.  This time I didn’t make it in time for the birth, just barely missing it,  and so the evening was filled with anticipation and eagerness to get there, phone calls back and forth.  “Do we have a baby yet?  What do you think it’s going to be?”  And once again, the little fella came five weeks early, on March 12, the exact date of my husband’s death only two years previous.   And once again around the exact same time as my husband lay dying, my little nephew was being born.  A gift to me from God.

Little Sam fell as in love with me as I was with him, just as Jack had done.  My life was again filled with a baby, a new little life, plus the added delight of a two-year-old Jack. Such wonderful distractions from sad situations.  And once again my sister and Julie shared their little bundles of joy with me.

So for the four years after the death of my husband, on each anniversary of that death, a little life was born or a celebration of that little life was taking place.  These two boys have been God’s blessing to me… and at this time of thankfulness, I am so thankful for them.

4 thoughts on “Sweet Sam

  1. What an amazing God we serve!! Our family has a somewhat similar story with the birth of my sister’s first son. He was the ray of sunshine at a very dark time for my family. Thanks for sharing your life with us. I love you.


  2. Well, I never knew that, Brenda! How extraordinaire the boys are indeed! A blessing to you from God. That He sometimes takes away, but He gave to you twofold. We won’t know why he had to take James until we meet up again in heaven, but He felt your sorrow and He gave to you twofold.
    And gave on the exact date, so that there is no doubt what He meant. What a blessing!!
    After Tracie died, Mike was down at the river and this little kitten kept aggravating him. He drove off and when he parked again, there it was. It had followed him. When he came back to the truck, there it was waiting and crying. So, being the big softie he is, he brought it home and named it Gunsmoke. I told him that Tracie sent little Gunsmoke to ease his sorrow. We never know what others can do for us from beyond the grave. Bless you Brenda.


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