Some Funky Halloween Costumes I’ve Seen

There have been some pretty wild and wacky Halloween costumes that I have been witness to over the years, and thought I would recall some of them for you.  One of the best ones was a ticking pillow.  For city folk, ticking is the blue and white stripe material used to make pillows, then stuff them with feathers.  Now a days it would be foam or the packaged white, fluffy stuff (what is the name of that?).  I was in high school, and my church was having their annual Halloween party.  One of my friends, Gail Addison, came as a ticking pillow, a body pillow.  She couldn’t see anything.  Her parents had brought her in and stood her up.  Of course, no one could guess who she was.

When the party wound down, some of us got in the car and headed off to do what all good church-going teenagers do:  soap windows… or trick or treat at friends’ houses, whichever struck our fancy.  But instead we got the bright idea to tell Gail that we were at somebody’s house, taking her up to the door, and instead dropped her out up town.  I have to tell you that looked pretty funny: a big body-size ticking pillow walking around.  We finally got worried she would fall off the curb and into oncoming traffic, so we picked her back up.  True friends.

The year 2009 when the swine flu was so rampant, I saw a couple dressed up as the H1N1 virus.  Had little balls all over them with a pig nose.  It was original and really neat.

And then there was the farmer with his sheep.  ‘Nuff said.

I have to tell you the flasher was hilarious.  He had a long trench coat on and would “flash” us.  Quite a surprise package he was flashing around.  Had something to do with a lady’s hose if I remember correctly.

Anybody got any unusual Halloween sightings?

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