Lips Made For a Princess

Our first day was staying at a stay and park hotel which was a good deal since we got to leave the vehicle there all week plus get a ride to and from the airport.  Our flight was at 6:00 a.m. so we had to get up and at ’em early.

waking up Kate

Waking up the little princess (which is what she called herself all week, by the way) was a chore.  Ava got up and was getting dressed while we tried to get Kate going.  She wasn’t too happy that I was taking early-morning photos.

grumpy Gert

As you will see, Kate has not only the potential of being royalty but also the lips for royalty.  When she is older, she can be a real princess at Disney because she has the lips for it.  We discovered this at Cinderella’s castle when we went there for lunch on her birthday.

Snow White talking with Kate

Snow White was so sweet!  She took time to talk to the girls.  And as she was talking to the girls, I noticed the similarity between her and Princess Kate.  If you will look at the photo, you will see her mouth is moving and she has beautiful lips.

Kate’s mouth is always moving and she has beautiful lips… when they’re not turned down in a big frown.  Well, even then, they’re still beautiful.

the two little princesses mesmerized by the one big princess

Kate loves to talk with her beautiful lips (actually it’s called bossing).  She also loves make-up including bright red lipstick.  The two just go together:  beautiful lips and bright red lipstick.

Kate kissing Snow White

Kiss from Snow White

checking out the kiss

The girls were very excited to be kissed by Snow White.  I can’t imagine how many times the lovely Princess must have to replenish her lipstick!

Ava's turn

the special kiss

Ava's ready for her Snow White kiss

Ava is loving this!

beautiful red lips!

Ava is very proud of her Snow White "tattoo"


I’m fairly certain she does this to each child that will allow her to do so.

And the final result of all this kissing…

A pair of bright red lips on the cheek of each little princess!

And how does this make me realize our Kate has the lips of a princess?  Her lips are always moving and talking, so check that one off; she loves to kiss her prince (usually me–I am so lucky), so check that one off; she would love that bright red lipstick slathered all over her lips, so check that one off; and she has the full lips for leaving nice, big, red “princess tattoos” on all the happy little children’s faces.

8 thoughts on “Lips Made For a Princess

  1. I am wondering if Ava talked to any of the characters while there? or did Kate handle that for her 🙂 I think I love Snow White too….she looks so gentle so kind!


  2. Who all went for this big Princess Adventure? The girls are so cute!! I see Brenda in those little faces for sure! I know you had a blast. My niece is four and she went last year and was sooooo excited . She did the Princess thing, too.


  3. Ava appears to be saying…..Yea, I got a princess kiss too……..see!!!!! She is starting to talk more, I actually understood her to say Momma meow meow, and baby meow meow; when they stopped by the house Tuesday evening. Such beautiful girls!!! I miss that little girl time already. Coming upon full “Drama Queen” central at our house I’m sure!!!


    • Oh, yeah, she is talking more all the time. It’s so funny. She will start a sentence with some words and then do a tongue roll thingie and then end with some words. I guess that is the quick fill-in version. And you got that right, girl, about the Drama Queen stage!!! Woe is you!


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